Hi All,
I am not too familiar with most of you, so I will introduce myself. My name is Andy the Armadillo. I lived with John, Liz and Simon for a while. We really had a great relationship, they would pretend to be upset that I was there, but they didn't fool me. Anyhow, there we were living peacefully, and John's friend Mark comes to visit. Well, evidently they forgot to tell him about our little arraignment because the next thing I know, I am 40 miles away with a big white stripe painted on my back.
I missed John and Liz and Simon so much that I decided to try to find my way back to them. In my haste to get back I hitched a few rides and, well, evidently I must have gotten on the wrong side of the highway, because here I am in Massachusetts!! I don't have the energy to get back right now, so I guess I will drop in on some of John's friends and family while I am here. All I ask is that you send John (or Vicki) the pictures of my visit with you.
If you want to sign up for a visit, just leave your email in the comments section and I will contact you.
Hi Andy,
Don't feel badly, you may not be responsible for being lost.The concussion you sustained after the blow to the head with a bat, or the smoke from the firecrackers, may be to blame.We would be happy to provide a new luxurious lawn for you to burrow in, as well as a fresh coat of paint.
We live in Leominster,Ma and will be looking forward to your visit. The Mullaney's
Sorry to hear about your arraignment. If you need a good lawyer don't call me but I would try to have your case moved back to Florida.
I think that was suppose to be "arrangement".Let's hope she cleans teeth better than she types!Ha ha
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