Well, as you can see it has been a busy few days for me here in Massachusetts. I had a great time going out with the Mullaneys' they brought me to some really cool places. The visit with the Lizzottes' was fun too, but once they got those baseball bats out it made me a bit homesick.
Anyhow, it got me thinking, I heard the Yankees' were coming to town this weeknd. So, I have been trying to score a ticket. Unfortunately the people up here want money (and alot of it) for tickets, and I spent my last few bucks on the sweet hat I have on in the picture. I never had this problem going to a Tampa Bay Devil Rays game!
So if anyone out there happens to know someone who can smuggle me in to Fenway I will PROMISE not to chew up your lawn! Seriously! I swear!
Oh, and about my side trip to Texas, it really was innocent. I was just droping in on some relatives and they wanted to see if I could still chug a beer in 3 seconds....flat. Well, I am happy to announce this old boy still has it!! I did it in 2.5!
Go Sox!
Andy, did you make it to Saturday's game? It sure seemed like the Yankees were very distracted during the 7th inning!!!Did you sneak onto the field during the 7th inning stretch? Well be careful out there, but thanks for helping the Sox!
Funny you should ask! I was desperately trying to make it to the game yesterday, but no one would smuggle me in.
I tried everything I could think of, I even asked the rats that live in the "T" stations for help, but I couldn't understand a word they said. Did you know they talk funny up here??
I decided my best bet was to burrow my way in, so I started at the most logical point, the Ted Williams Tunnel. I finally made it to the park just in time for Jeter's throw to Minky (don't ask me to really spell his name!) Anyway, once Jeter saw me pop my head up he spun around out of fear (what a sissy!) and got rid of the ball. Next thing I know Minky is knocked unconscious!!
I didn't stick around to find out what happened, so I don't know the score, but judging from the noise outside the park I assume we won!
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