Friday, May 11, 2007

To start your own post and add pictures

Hey everyone,
Thru trial and error I figured out everyone who is signed up can start their own post and also add pictures. At the top of the original blog page it should say in blue "new post". Click on this and start typing away. There is a small square icon with a mountain and tree at the top of this page. If you click this you will be promted to upload pictures. It will even format them to fit so you dont have to worry how big they are. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any trouble


Vicki said...

you have to respond to the invite you should have gotten in your email to be able to do this. Even if you signed up for an account. On the left hand side of the blog is a list of people who have responded and can start their own post. If you did not get an invite email me at

Mark Dilling said...

Got it thanks Vicki. I didn't accept your invitation - how rude of me! No luck getting a call back today - will try again tomorrow.